
By The Numbers: As Senate Democrats Ignore Budget, Debt Surges And Economy Suffers

800 ............. Days since the Democrat Senate has passed a budget resolution

$3.2trillion .... Debt accumulated since a budget was last passed

$7.3trillion .... Total federal spending over that time

$439billion .... Net interest payments over that time

2024 ............. Projected year that Medicare will go bankrupt

2036 ............. Projected year that Social Security will go bankrupt

9.2 ................ Percent of workforce currently unemployed

29 ................. Months that unemployment has been above 8 percent

25,319,000 .... Approximate total number of workers currently unemployed and underemployed

0 ................... Budget resolutions passed by the Democrat Senate this year

0 ................... Senate Budget Committee mark-ups scheduled this year

10.75 ............. Number of hours spent debating and amending budgets and spending bills in the Democrat Senate

132.4 ............. Number of hours spent debating and amending budgets and spending bills in the Republican House

As Americans lose their jobs, Senate Democrats refuse to perform their own.