
Budget Committee Unanimously Approves Reforms to Broken Budget Process

WASHINGTON D.C. – The Senate Budget Committee unanimously approved new committee rules, which include budget process reforms that will lead to more orderly, meaningful and transparent consideration of budget resolutions in the committee.  Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY), Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, said these efforts represent an important step in fixing the broken budget process and ensuring the budget resolution plays an important role in putting the nation on a more sustainable fiscal path.

“It’s no secret that the federal budget process is hobbled by arcane procedures that determine how it is considered and amended both here in Committee and on the floor of the Senate,” said Chairman Enzi.  “The budget resolution is a critical tool in assessing the country’s dangerous fiscal position and setting forth a better, more sustainable path. We need to fix the nation’s broken federal budget process, and there’s no better place to start than here in this Committee.  These reforms will lead to more orderly, meaningful and transparent consideration of budget resolutions and are an important step in fixing the federal budget process and getting our fiscal house in order.” 

The rules approved by the Senate Budget Committee:

Early Release of Budget Proposal and Amendments - When the budget is released in advance of the Committee markup, the new rules impose filing deadlines for all amendments to the resolution.  This will provide senators with adequate time to read and understand the budget and amendments before they vote on them.

No More “Gotcha” Amendments - The new rules will prevent the “gotcha” amendments that are meant to catch senators off guard and score political points rather than improve the federal budget.

Bar Meaningless Amendments - The new rules will bar meaningless amendments that would have no effect if adopted.  This will focus the Committee’s attention on amendments that actually impact the federal budget.


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