
Chairman Enzi: Rein in America’s Dangerous Debt to Strengthen Our National Security

WASHINGTON D.C. – As the Senate continues to debate national security issues and defense funding, U.S. Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY), Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, today highlighted the threat America’s growing debt poses to our national security, and the role a balanced budget can play to help keep our nation safe while strengthening our military.

“The balanced budget resolution recently approved by Congress recognizes the responsibility that the federal government has to defend the nation, while acknowledging the threat our overspending and growing debt pose to our national security.  That is why the balanced budget approved by Congress last month makes national defense a priority and provides for the maximum allowable defense funding under current law.

“With the increasing number of threats around the world, our total defense spending level should reflect our commitment to keeping America safe and ensuring our military personnel are prepared to tackle all challenges. 

“While there is no requirement to offset OCO spending, when we addressed the issue in our budget resolution we accounted for every single dollar of OCO we assumed would be spent.  Even with these OCO levels the budget resolution still met its overall goal of balancing within 10 years.

“Americans are working harder than ever to make ends meet. By tackling these issues honestly and directly, we can help ensure that our nation is safe and secure by investing in America’s armed forces while also maintaining fiscal discipline.”

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