
Chairman Enzi: Senate Budget Resolution is First Step to Strengthen America’s Future

WASHINGTON D.C. – Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY), Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, today said Congress must begin the difficult task of addressing America’s ballooning debt and deficits. The committee began consideration of the FY 2020 Budget Resolution, focused on reducing the deficit over the next five years. 

“This budget represents an important first step toward addressing our country’s fiscal challenges and provides a path for us to begin working together to achieve real deficit reduction,” said Chairman Enzi.  “I hope that this budget will mark the beginning of a serious conversation on issues that Congress has been content to ignore for too long.”

Enzi noted the budget resolution would produce $538 billion in total deficit reduction over five years, and bring deficits as a percentage of the economy back to the 50-year historical average. He said rising health care and interest costs are compounding our fiscal problems and by 2029 if nothing is done, nearly 80 cents of every dollar the government spends will be on mandatory programs and interest on the debt.

“By constantly ignoring the increasingly dire fiscal straights that our country is in, hard decisions today will be made even tougher tomorrow,” Chairman Enzi said.  “This budget is only a first step, but I hope it is a step we can take together.  It is time to chart a more sustainable fiscal path to strengthen America’s future.”

FY 2020 Budget Resolution

FY 2020 Budget Section by Section

FY 2020 Budget Tables

FY 2020 Budget Overview


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