
Chairman Sanders Introduces The American Rescue Plan Act

WASHINGTON, March 4 — Today, along with Majority Leader Schumer (D-N.Y.) and the chairs of 11 other Senate committees, Senate Budget Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) introduced the Senate’s version of The American Rescue Plan Act.

The American Rescue Plan Act is a $1.9 trillion rescue plan that will accelerate America’s vaccination effort, cut child poverty in half, extend a lifeline to the unemployed, provide aid to working families, ensure that state and local governments can keep providing needed services, and provide resources to allow schools to reopen safely.

The American Rescue Plan Act is a historically popular for such an ambitious piece of legislation. It is not difficult to see why: This bill will enable us to crush the virus and provide a bridge for struggling Americans to a fairer, more equitable, and more just post-pandemic economy.

Read the summary here.

Read the legislative text here.