
Congress Approves Far-Reaching Obamacare Repeal

Measure Will Head to President for First Time

WASHINGTON D.C. – The United States Congress, through the budget reconciliation process, passed the most comprehensive and far-reaching repeal of Obamacare to reach the president’s desk. The Senate approved the legislation last month, and the House approved today. 

“Congress has passed the most comprehensive and far-reaching repeal of Obamacare to actually reach the president’s desk,” said Chairman Enzi.  “Most Americans are still opposed to this unprecedented expansion of government intrusion into health care because it represents nothing more than broken promises, higher costs and fewer choices.” 

The budget reconciliation bill will repeal more than $1.2 trillion in Obamacare taxes that hard working families would be forced to pay over the next 10 years, reduce spending by nearly $1.5 trillion and provide more than $500 billion in deficit savings, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). Obamacare is expected to cost American households more than $116 billion a year in new taxes. 

“We still need health care reform, but it has to be done the right way,” Chairman Enzi said.  “Our nation has made great strides in improving the quality of life for all Americans, but these changes were always forged in the spirit of bipartisan compromise and cooperation. This measure can help build a bridge from Obamacare’s broken promises to better care for each and every American.” 




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