
Enzi: White House Budget Office Will be Critical To America’s Pressing Fiscal Challenges

WASHINGTON D.C. – During a hearing today considering Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.) to lead the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY), Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, said he would like to see a director of the president’s budget office in place as soon as possible. He noted that the nation has many pressing budgetary issues requiring the attention of the new Administration, foremost among these is the staggering $20 trillion debt burden America now shoulders. 

“I am pleased that President Trump has nominated a fiscal conservative for this key post,” said Chairman Enzi.  “Mr. Mulvaney has been a vigilant budget hawk during his six years in Congress, including during his time on the House budget and oversight committees.  He has been a vocal contributor to the great budget debates of recent years – focused on the question of how we ultimately stop the federal government from overspending, while continuing to fund the country’s core priorities and responsibilities.  Mr. Mulvaney has also been a prominent voice arguing for fiscal restraint, balanced budgets and honest budgeting that avoids the use of gimmicks such as emergency funding designations for non-emergencies.”

Enzi also noted the urgent need to reform the broken budget process, which has contributed to the budgetary stalemate and recurrent continuing resolutions to which Congress now routinely resorts in order to postpone hard decisions about spending and debt. 


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