
GAO Report on Duplication Highlights Effect of Broken Budget Process

WASHINGTON D.C. – Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY), Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, released the following statement today after the Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued a new report highlighting program duplication that has arisen because of America’s broken budget process. 

“The duplication highlighted in GAO’s new report is because of America’s broken budget process, and contributes to the nation’s spiraling levels of overspending,” said Chairman Enzi.  “A better budget process will help put our nation on a more sustainable fiscal path, but it’s important to understand that the broken budget process is just one part of a broader cycle of federal financial mismanagement. It is crucial to allocate taxpayer resources effectively and efficiently so that programs with the best performance receive more funding, and poorly performing programs receive less or none at all.”

Chairman Enzi and the Senate Budget Committee are focused on fixing the broken budget process and are holding a series of hearings that will result in bipartisan legislation to begin addressing runaway government spending and our exploding national debt.

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