
Senate Clears the Way for Fast Track Repeal of Obamacare

WASHINGTON D.C. – The United States Senate today approved a resolution, S. Con. Res. 3, which clears the way for consideration of legislation that would fast track repeal of Obamacare. The measure now moves on to the United States House of Representatives for consideration. Sponsored by Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY), Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, the resolution will provide the tools necessary to repeal Obamacare through the budget reconciliation process and allow it to pass with a simple majority in both the Senate and the House. Enzi noted that the next budget for FY 2018 will focus on putting the nation on a more responsible and sustainable fiscal path and address government’s out of control spending and mammoth national debt.

“The Senate today has taken the first step to repairing the nation’s broken health care system, and in a few short weeks, we will focus on how best to make the government live within its means in order to reduce our out of control spending and confront our mammoth national debt,” said Chairman Enzi. “This resolution will set the stage for true legislative relief from Obamacare that Americans have long demanded, while ensuring a stable transition in which those with insurance will not lose access to health care coverage.” 

The resolution includes:

  • Tools to allow repeal legislation to move through a fast-track process and pass with a simple majority in the Senate, as in the House, with the intent of sending legislation to the new President’s desk as soon as possible.
  • Reconciliation instructions to four authorizing committees – Ways and Means and Energy and Commerce in the House, Finance and Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions in the Senate – to achieve at least $1 billion each in deficit reduction over 10 years (fiscal years 2017 through 2026).
  • Deadlines for the authorizing committees to report legislation to the Senate and House Budget Committees by January 27, 2017. The legislation will be combined for consideration on the floors of the respective Chambers.
  • Reserve funds necessary to accommodate legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare, and accommodate patient-centered health care reform legislation in the future.

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