
Sessions Comments On President’s Economic Address

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee, issued the following statement today after President Obama held a news conference on the state of the economy:

“It is astounding that, only days after the Congressional Budget Office issued its chilling debt outlook, President Obama once again failed to seriously address the single greatest threat facing our economy. America’s total debt—which is greater than that of the entire Eurozone and UK combined—is destroying jobs, eroding confidence, and placing the whole nation’s future in jeopardy. If President Obama wants to be credible in his calls for Congressional action, then he ought to demand that his own Senate majority offer up a budget plan for the first time in three years. If his party is not even willing to lay out a financial plan, how can they ask for one more dime in new taxes?”

NOTE: To view a chart on CBO’s long-term budget outlook showing that the U.S.’ per person government debt is on track to triple in a generation, please click here.