
Sessions: President's Budget 'A Blueprint For Losing The Future'

“The president has spoken in recent days about winning the future. But his budget reads more like a blueprint for losing the future.”

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee, released the following statement today in response to President Obama’s Fiscal Year 2012 budget proposal, which was submitted to Congress this morning:

“Our national debt will soon be larger than our entire economy. We borrow 40 cents of every dollar we spend. This crushing debt stifles job growth, undermines economic confidence, and threatens our nation?s future. A recent study shows that it may already be costing us as many as a million jobs a year.

But President Obama has failed to lead in the face of this growing crisis. Today he submitted a budget to Congress that accelerates our dangerous trajectory. His budget increases spending every single year, eventually doubling the size of the entire government from what it was the day he took office. The president?s budget also doubles the national debt by the end of his term, and then triples it by the end of the decade.

If we follow this course it will be a national tragedy.

The president has spoken in recent days about winning the future. But his budget reads more like a blueprint for losing the future. It puts us on the road to decline. It simply spends, taxes, and borrows too much.

While I am deeply disappointed, my confidence in our future has not diminished. If Washington does not change direction, the American people will change the direction of Washington.

The American people get it.

Significant spending reductions may not be easy. But they will make us stronger today and more prosperous tomorrow. It?s a tough road, but it?s the right road—and it?s the one that leads to a better future.”

Note: To view a video of Sessions’ remarks, please click here.
