
Sessions’ Remarks At House Press Conference Unveiling Their FY13 Budget Plan

“House Republicans… have courageously, intelligently, and responsibly laid out a new plan for America’s future… [Senate Democrats] have refused to offer a budget for now three straight years now… The Senate’s Democratic majority has forfeited their claim to leadership for America. If the voters give Republicans in the Senate the honor of having the majority next year, we will work with the House to pass a congressional budget… It will change the debt course of America.” 

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee, delivered remarks today at a press conference to mark the unveiling of the FY 2013 House Republican budget.

A rush transcript follows:

“House Republicans were elected to a new majority, and they have courageously, intelligently, and responsibly laid out a new plan for America’s future. They’ve met the duty they were sent here to fulfill. We have never needed a budget more now than we need it today: we are facing a systemic threat to America’s financial health.

The budget that they’ve offered will alter the debt course from unsustainable to sustainable. It will take us from decline to prosperity. It is the right thing for America.

Senate Democrats have abandoned their obligations, and have refused to offer a budget for now three straight years now. They didn’t bother to write one last year, and they are going to miss the April 1st deadline to write one this year as well. Sen. Harry Reid, the Democratic Leader, said it would be ‘foolish’ to have a budget. The Senate’s Democratic majority has forfeited their claim to leadership for America.

If the voters give Republicans in the Senate the honor of having the majority next year, we will work with the House to pass a congressional budget. It will be an honest budget. It will change the debt course of America.”