
Sessions Responds To President’s Budget Speech, $17 Trillion In New Health Law Obligations

“President Obama might have more credibility on these matters were his plan not rejected 0-414 in the House and, the year before, 0-97 in the Senate. President Obama would also enjoy more fiscal credibility if he spent less time assailing the House and more time encouraging the Senate’s Democrat Majority to comply with the law requiring them to write a budget and pass it on the floor—something they’ve refused to do for three straight years…

The American people—Democrat and Republican—are ready for a leader who will rally the country behind a sound, long-term plan to get our spending and debt under control. Until that happens, the government will continue to grow and the middle class will continue to shrink.”

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee, issued the following statement today in response to President Obama’s budget speech attacking those presenting credible, long-term fiscal solutions:

“Our per-person government debt is now worse than that of Greece. Yet the tax hikes in the president’s budget proposal are used to fuel a $1.6 trillion increase in government spending—not to reduce the deficit. President Obama might have more credibility on these matters were his plan not rejected 0-414 in the House and, the year before, 0-97 in the Senate.

President Obama would also enjoy more fiscal credibility if he spent less time assailing the House and more time encouraging the Senate’s Democrat majority to comply with the law requiring them to write a budget and pass it on the floor—something they’ve refused to do for three straight years. A major reason why the president and Majority Leader Reid don’t want a budget on the floor of the Senate is because it would mean casting multiple votes on the president’s health law. We now know that law will not only cost $2.6 trillion over the first full ten years, it will also create a new $17 trillion long-term unfunded obligation, severely threatening the funding for Medicare and Social Security at a time when we should be shoring those programs up.

The American people—Democrat and Republican—are ready for a leader who will rally the country behind a sound, long-term plan to get our spending and debt under control. Until that happens, the government will continue to grow and the middle class will continue to shrink.”

NOTE: To view a chart illustrating the more than $11 trillion debt increase under President Obama’s budget, please click here. To view a chart about how President Obama’s tax increases go to fund new spending, please click here. To view a video of the Administration’s false claims of spending cuts, please click here.