Mark Up of The Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for FY 2011

Full Committee Hearing

Date: Thursday, April 22, 2010 Time: 10:00 AM

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The FY 2011 Budget Resolution was marked up on April 21 and 22, 2010. Chairman Kent Conrad presided over the mark-up, which began with opening statements from members of the Budget Committee on April 21. After members delivered their opening statements, the Chairman laid down the Mark.

The Chairman’s Mark for the Fiscal Year 2011 Senate Budget Resolution cuts spending and deficits while making critical investments to strengthen the nation’s economic recovery and promote long-term economic growth. It cuts spending as a share of the economy by 11 percent. It cuts the deficit as a share of the economy by 70 percent, bringing the deficit down to 3.0 percent of GDP by 2015. It includes $671 billion more deficit reduction than President Obama’s budget. It cuts taxes by $780 billion. And it invests in education and energy, laying the foundation for long-term economic security.

Additional Materials

FY 2011 Commitee Print (.pdf)
FY 2011 Committee Passed BR (Legislative Text) (.pdf)

April 21, 2010 Session

Sen. Conrad's Opening Remarks
Charts Used During FY 2011 BR Mark Up

Summary of Chairman's Mark FY 2011 Budget Resolution
Chairman's Mark FY 2011 Budget Resolution  (.pdf)
Chairman's Mark FY 2011 Budget Resolution (Legislative Language) (.pdf)