Exploring Solutions to Our Long-Term Fiscal Challenges

Full Committee Hearing

Date: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 Time: 10:00 AM

There was no video broadcast for this event.



Witness Statement

  • Dr. Jason Furman
    Director, The Hamilton Project at the Brookings Institution
    Furman_LTREV013107.pdf (73.0 KBs)
  • Dr. Joseph J. Minarik
    Sr. Vice President and Director of Research, Committee for Economic Development
    Minarik_LT013107.pdf (38.3 KBs)
  • Dr. Stuart M. Butler
    Vice President for Domestic and Economic Policy Studies, The Heritage Foundation
    Butler_LT013107.pdf (70.2 KBs)
  • Robert L. Bixby
    Executive Director, The Concord Coalition
    Bixby_LT013007.pdf (246.9 KBs)