Mark Up of the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for FY 2010

Full Committee Hearing

Date: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 Time: 02:30 PM

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The FY 2010 Budget Resolution was marked up on March 25th & 26th, 2009. Chairman Kent Conrad presided over the mark up, which began with opening statements from members of the Budget Committee on March 25. After members delivered their opening statements, the Chairman laid down the Mark.

The Chairman’s Mark for the Fiscal Year 2010 Senate Budget Resolution is a fiscally responsible budget plan that addresses the fiscal and economic crises inherited by the Obama Administration and lays the foundation for long-term economic security. It preserves the major priorities in President Obama’s budget proposal: reducing our dependence on foreign energy; striving for excellence in education; and reforming our health care system. It provides significant middle-class tax relief, directed at families with incomes under $250,000. And it cuts the deficit in half by 2012, and by two-thirds by 2014.

Additional Materials

Sen. Conrad's Remarks (March 25)
Sen. Conrad's Remarks (March 26)
Charts Used During FY 2010 BR Mark Up 

Summary of Chairman's Mark FY 2010 Budget Resolution (.pdf)
Chairman's Mark FY 2010 Budget Resolution (.pdf)

FY 2010 Committee Print (.pdf)

March 25, 2009 Video

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March 26, 2009 Video