
Graham: Biden Defense Budget “Woefully Inadequate”

“The number one job of this Congress is to defend the nation. …Our enemies are building up and we’re going down. That is a formula for more war, not less.”

WASHINGTON – Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today commented on President Biden’s fiscal year 2023 defense budget request.

Graham questioned Navy and Marine Corps leadership on President Biden’s fiscal year 2023 Navy and Marine Corps funding request and budget justification as a member of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense. 

  • GRAHAM: “The number one job of this Congress is to defend the nation and these budgets are woefully inadequate to the task. Our enemies are building up and we’re going down. That is a formula for more war, not less.” https://youtu.be/ff9Q4LH6MxQ?t=351
  • GRAHAM: “I just don’t understand what about this world in the next five years would justify going to the lowest percentage of GDP spent on defense in modern history?” https://youtu.be/ff9Q4LH6MxQ?t=206
  • GRAHAM: “Would you say [China] is doing more than they have ever done to build a blue-water Navy?”


GRAHAM:Would you say they are all in for building a blue-water Navy?”

ADM GILDAY: “Their aspiration is to go well beyond their region. Yes sir.” https://youtu.be/ff9Q4LH6MxQ?t=321

  • GRAHAM: “Do we have enough ships west of the International Date Line to deter China?”

NAVY SECRETARY CARLOS DEL TORO: “I think we do have enough ships west of the International Date Line...”

GRAHAM: “I just literally got back and the footprint I saw was just unbelievably shallow compared to the threats we face. So you’re okay with this five year plan to go to a 280 ship Navy? You find that’s okay?”

SECRETARY DEL TORO: “I do support it…” https://youtu.be/ff9Q4LH6MxQ?t=241

  • GRAHAM: “This budget that’s being proposed for this year and the next five years is incredibly dangerous. There is no way you will ever convince me that going to about 2.5 percent, 2.6 percent of GDP on defense makes sense given the threats we face.” https://youtu.be/ff9Q4LH6MxQ?t=148

Watch Graham’s Questions
