
Graham: “I Will Do Everything I Can To Stop” Dems’ Reckless Tax and Spend Bill

Package riddled with items that will outrage the American people

WASHINGTON – Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today spoke with members of the media about the Democrats’ Reckless Tax and Spend bill.

  • GRAHAM: “This reconciliation bill is a fraud. It’s going to be pouring gasoline on the inflation problems we have in the country and it rewards special interests at the expense of the public. I take issue with both the process and the substance.”


On process:

  • GRAHAM: “This train is moving so fast in the House. They have blown by hearings and they have blown by bipartisan markups. They don’t even have a score from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), which is required in the Senate.”


  • GRAHAM: “I want the public to understand that the bill being sold to you as $1.75 trillion, when in reality if all the programs were permanent like the Democrats want them to be, one estimate says it’s more than $4 trillion…There are a lot of games and gimmicks in this bill, so the cost is actually over double what they say it is. What does that mean to you? That means more debt for you and your children. And that means more inflation.”


On the substance of the bill:

  • GRAHAM on the Democrats’ sweetheart union deal disguised as an electric vehicle tax credit: “There are some provisions in this bill that are just mind blowing to me. The House changed the electric vehicle tax credit so that if you don't have a union workforce, the cars you make aren’t eligible for the additional tax credit. BMW and Volvo came to South Carolina to assemble and make cars, and people who buy their electric vehicles will be denied this extra tax credit because of the nature of BMW and Volvo’s workforces.”


  • GRAHAM on the Democrats’ sweetheart union deal disguised as an electric vehicle tax credit: “If you truly cared about the environment, why would you take all these companies out of the game and reduce the amount of electric vehicles that can come from a variety of sources down to two? To me, this is pretty offensive.”


  • GRAHAM on illegal immigrants being eligible for child tax credits: “Under the House bill, there is no social security number required to be eligible for the child tax credit. That means people can get the child tax credit and not be citizens. All you need is a tax ID number, which doesn’t require proof of citizenship status.”


  • GRAHAM on illegal immigrants being eligible for child tax credits: “We have an illegal immigration problem in this country with all-time highs in terms of illegal crossings. Expanding the child tax credit in this fashion is going to incentivize more illegal immigration. Word will spread that if you can get to America and get a tax ID number, your children will get a tax credit from the federal government.”


  • GRAHAM on illegal immigrants being eligible for child tax credits: “This is the wrong policy at the wrong time. I hope hardworking Americans paying into the system will realize that expanding child tax credits to allow illegal immigrants to get the tax credit makes every problem worse.”


Watch the full press conference HERE.

