
Senate Budget Committee Approves Nomination of Deputy OMB Director Brian Deese in Bipartisan Vote

Chairman Murray and the Senate Budget Committee held a markup on the nomination of Brian Deese to the position of Deputy Director of OMB.  The nomination passed through the Committee on a voice vote with strong bipartisan support and will now head to the Senate floor. 

Murray released the following statement following the vote: 

Brian possesses the kind of experience, knowledge, and judgment necessary to succeed in this leadership position – and I am glad that his nomination was approved by the Senate Budget Committee with strong bipartisan support today. It is clear that he has a strong understanding of economic and budgetary policy—and, he knows firsthand how to create fiscal policies that work for middle class families and help our economy grow. I am looking forward to the full Senate approving his nomination as quickly as possible and to working with him to grow the economy and tackle our deficit challenges in a balanced way.” 

Deese testified on the need to achieve responsible deficit reduction and to provide economic opportunity and stability for working families at a Senate Budget Committee Hearing on May 21st.  His full testimony can be found here.

The confirmation now moves to the Senate floor for a full vote.