
Senate Budget Committee Membership Established for 111th Congress

Senators Warner, Merkley and Alexander Join Panel

Washington, DC - During the 111th Congress, the Senate Budget Committee will consist of 13 Democratic Senators and 10 Republican Senators. For the second consecutive Congress, the panel will be chaired by Senator Kent Conrad of North Dakota. Senator Judd Gregg of New Hampshire will continue to serve as the Ranking Republican Member. Two newly elected Democratic Senators, Mark R. Warner of Virginia and Jeff Merkley of Oregon, will be joining the th panel. Republican Senator Lamar Alexander, who served on the committee during the 109th Congress, will be rejoining the panel.

The complete roster is as follows:


Kent Conrad (D-ND), Chairman
Patty Murray, of Washington
Ron Wyden, of Oregon
Russell D. Feingold, of Wisconsin
Robert C. Byrd, of West Virginia
Bill Nelson, of Florida
Debbie Stabenow, of Michigan
Robert Menendez, of New Jersey
Benjamin L. Cardin, of Maryland
Bernard Sanders, of Vermont
Sheldon Whitehouse, of Rhode Island
Mark R. Warner, of Virginia
Jeff Merkley, of Oregon


Judd Gregg, of New Hampshire, Ranking Member
Chuck Grassley, of Iowa
Michael B. Enzi, of Wyoming
Jeff Sessions, of Alabama
Jim Bunning, of Kentucky
Mike Crapo, of Idaho
John Ensign, of Nevada
John Cornyn, of Texas
Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina
Lamar Alexander, of Tennessee

For more information regarding the Senate Budget Committee, please visit our website.


Press Contact: Stu Nagurka (202) 224-7436
Steve Posner (202) 224-7925