Ranking Member Press

October 2013
Sessions Issues Statement After Voting Against Debt Hike, Spending Bill
September 2013
Sessions Catalogs Destructive Impacts Of Obamacare
Sessions Opening Statement: Washington’s Policies Limiting Economic Growth And Opportunity
Sessions Gives First In Series Of Addresses On U.S. Economy: Deteriorating Conditions For Working Households
Sessions Comments On New CBO Long-Term Budget Outlook
Sessions: Zients The Wrong Man For The Job—And For The Country
Sessions Comments On August Jobs Report
August 2013
Sessions Presses FCC Over Loopholes And Abuse In ‘Obamaphone’ Program
Sessions Comments On July Jobs Report
Immigration Policy As Corporate Welfare: Sessions Hits White House For Immigration Report That Shills For CEOs
July 2013
Sessions Delivers Opening Statement At Hearing On Defense Spending And Sequestration
Senate And House Committee Republican Leaders Seek CBO Cost Estimate Of Obamacare Train Wreck
Sessions Comments On OMB Mid-Session Budget Review
June 2013
Sessions Writes Colleagues Ahead Of Tonight’s Vote On How 1,200-Page Substitute Will Reduce Wages
Sessions: CBO Immigration Report Shows On-Budget Deficits Going Up, Not Down
Ranking Member Sessions Comments On CBO Score Of Immigration Bill
Sessions Calls For Welfare Reform Ahead Of Senate Vote On Food Stamp Legislation
Ranking Member Sessions Welcomes New Staff Director
May 2013
Sessions Delivers Opening Remarks At Committee Hearing On Economic Growth
Sessions Comments On CBO’s Analysis Of President’s FY14 Budget
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