
The Trump Budget for 2020: State Fact Sheets

On March 11, 2019, President Trump released his Fiscal Year 2020 budget, a document that is breathtaking in its degree of cruelty and is filled with broken promises.

What follows is a list of some of the most egregious proposals from the Trump Budget.

If Trump’s Budget for 2020 became law, it would:

  • Repeal the Affordable Care Act, eliminating health insurance for 32 million Americans, abolishing protections for people with pre-existing conditions, and substantially increasing premiums for older Americans. If the Trump Budget became law, a 60-year-old making $25,000 a year could see their health care premiums increase by up to $10,500 a year – from $1,608 to $12,180 in 2020, almost half of their income.
  • Cut federal funding for the Medicaid program by $1.5 trillion over the next 10 years – 36 percent in 2029 alone. Medicaid provides funding for more than 60 percent of all nursing home residents, 83 percent of poor children, 48 percent of children with special needs, and nearly half of all births in the U.S.
  • Make college more expensive for 3.2 million students by completely eliminating the Direct Subsidized Loan program and by taking away grants for 1.5 million students by abolishing the Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant program. The Trump Budget also eliminates the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program and cuts the Federal Work Study program by more than 55 percent.
  • Eliminate after-school programs for 1.7 million students by zeroing out the 21st Century Community Learning Centers program.
  • Take away high-quality child care and early education for nearly 150,000 low-income children by cutting Head Start by 17 percent in the final year of this budget.
  • Eliminate nutrition assistance for more than 10 million Americans – 89 percent of whom live in households with at least one child, elderly person, or a person with a disability – by cutting the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, or food stamps) by $220 billion nationally over 10 years.
  • Take food out of the mouths of more than 1 million pregnant women, new moms, babies, and toddlers by cutting the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program by 13 percent in the final year of this budget
  • Deny heating and cooling assistance to nearly 6 million households – 69 percent of which include at least one elderly person, one person with a disability, or one child under five years old – by abolishing the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).

To see this document as a PDF, click here.

To see a fact sheet depicting how the Trump Budget would affect your state, click on the links below:









 District of Columbia





















 New Hampshire

 New Jersey

 New Mexico

 New York

 North Carolina

 North Dakota





 Rhode Island

 South Carolina

 South Dakota







 West Virginia

