
Wall Street Journal Sides with Iowans: The Budget Committee Ought to Focus on the Budget

“Voters in Iowa and everywhere else have every reason to be concerned about the mounting debt pile.”

WASHINGTON – The Wall Street Journal amplified concerns Iowans are sharing at Sen. Chuck Grassley’s (R-Iowa) 99 county meetings regarding our nation’s budgetary crisis. In a recent column discussing the “bizarre” climate agenda set by the Senate Budget Committee’s Democrat majority, the Wall Street Journal emphasized Iowans’ rightful frustration with Washington, D.C.’s refusal to focus on budgetary reform.

Grassley, the Senate Budget Committee’s Ranking Member, recently led Budget Republicans in a letter urging the Democrat majority to address pressing fiscal matters. Find Grassley’s full remarks at yesterday’s Budget hearing HERE and read more from the Wall Street Journal’s James Freeman below.

 “…Chairman Sheldon Whitehouse (D., R.I.) has created a sort of virtual encampment for climate zealotry in place of the needed work of the committee.… Imagine how much waste, fraud and abuse Mr. Whitehouse’s staff could uncover if directed to investigate the annual federal budget, currently soaring toward $7 trillion. Just think of what the committee staff might accomplish if Mr. Whitehouse would allow them to do the job taxpayers are paying them to do!

“In a prepared statement…the budget committee’s ranking member, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa), tries once again to remind the chairman that the assembled senators are supposed to be working on the budget. Sen. Grassley says:

‘While this committee continues to ignore our unprecedented debt and deficits, they’re top of mind for my constituents back home in Iowa.

‘Over the break, I held 10 county meetings. In each and every one, Iowans voiced their dismay at the state of our nation’s finances. They’re furious about Congress’ utter lack of attention to our bloated federal budget – as they should be.’

“Yes, they should. Voters in Iowa and everywhere else have every reason to be concerned about the mounting debt pile.

“What is it going to take for the Senate Budget Committee chairman to realize there’s a problem with the federal budget?”
