FY 2018 Budget Reconciliation

The United States Senate Budget Committee, chaired by Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY), reported out the FY 2018 Budget Reconciliation legislation on November 28, 2017.  Last month, the Senate passed a budget resolution that included reconciliation instructions to spur economic growth, and specifically instructed the Senate Finance Committee to come up with comprehensive tax reform and the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee to save $1 billion.


Additional information on the FY 2018 Budget Reconciliation legislation can be found here:

  • CBO Score  of FY 2018 Budget Reconciliation legislation as reported by the Senate Budget Committee
  • Explanation of the Senate Finance Committee FY 2018 Reconciliation legislation READ MORE
  • Explanation of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee FY 2018 Reconciliation legislation READ MORE
  • Legislative Text of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee FY 2018 Reconciliation legislation
  • Joint Committee on Taxation Table