
Conrad Statement of Support for Higginbottom Nomination

“I intend to support the President’s nomination of Heather Higginbottom to be Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget.  Ms. Higginbottom is fully qualified for this position.  Her service in the White House and the Senate has given her a broad knowledge of federal policy and the operations of the government. 

“Ms. Higginbottom was personally selected by Director Lew as the individual he wants as his deputy.  I have a great deal of respect for Director Lew’s judgement, so his selection of Ms. Higginbottom speaks volumes about her ability and the respect she has attained from her colleagues in the Administration. He was OMB Director during the Clinton Administration and led the effort that successfully balanced the budget at that time.  

“It is my hope we will be able to complete work on this nomination quickly.  Given the tremendous fiscal and economic challenges facing the nation, it is imperative that the President has his complete budget team in place.  And Director Lew needs and deserves to have the Deputy Director of his choice working with him at OMB.”         


Contact: Stu Nagurka (202) 224-7436
Steve Posner (202) 224-7925

Note: The Senate Budget Committee held a nomination hearing for Ms. Heather Higginbottom on March 17, 2011. Materials from that hearing, including the hearing video, clips, and the witness statement are available on the nomination hearing page.