Chairman's Press

November 2001
Committee Rejects Suspension of Budget Enforcement Mechanisms
October 2001
Conrad Warns Against Abandoning Long-term Discipline as Stimulus Considered
Conrad Calls for Short-term Stimulus to be Coupled with Long-term Discipline
September 2001
Conrad Calls on Bush for Plan to Protect Soc. Sec. & Medicare Trust Funds
Conrad Warns of Long-term Damage from President Bush's Budget and Tax Plan
August 2001
Chairman Conrad Says Social Security Reform Endangered by Bush Tax Cut
July 2001
Conrad Calls on Administration To Explain How It Plans to Pay for Defense Increase
Conrad Seeks Admin.'s Plan to Avoid Raiding Medicare & Soc. Security Trust Funds
June 2001
Shrinking Budget Surplus Threatens Medicare & Social Security Trust Funds
Chairman Conrad Says New Economic Data Could Decrease Projected Budget Surplus
May 2001
Conrad Introduces Bipartsan Legislation to Reform, Instead of Repeal, Estate Tax
April 2001
Senator Conrad Joins Farmers in Calling for Meaningful Estate Tax Reform
March 2001
Bush Budget Underestimates Amount of Debt That Can Be Paid Down
Conrad Urges Estate Tax Reform, Not Repeal
Bush Budget Proposal for State Dept. Lacks Crucial Details
Republicans Block Conrad's Social Security/Medicare
Conrad Says Bush Tax Cut Freezes Out Needed Education Improvements
February 2001
Conrad Calls for Protecting Medicare Trust Fund, Warns of Bush Intention to Raid Fund
Bush Tax Cut Threatens Defense Budget
Bush's Tax Cut Would Be Unfair and Could Drive Us Back Into Deficits
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