Chairman's Press

April 2015
Sanders Launches National Budget Town Hall Meeting Series
Sanders Leads Senate Effort to Support Seniors
Sanders blasts U.S Corporations for Dodging Taxes
Sanders Says Secretive Legal Exemptions in Trade Deal ‘Alarming’
March 2015
New Report From Sanders Lays Bare Republican Budget Gimmicks
Sanders : If Republicans Want Another War, They have to Pay for It
Sanders: Republican Budget Morally Repugnant and Full of Budget Gimmicks
Sanders Statement on Republican Budget Plan
Sanders: We Must Produce a Budget for America, Not Wealthy Special Interests
Sanders Calls on Congress to Strengthen & Expand Social Security
Senator Sanders Lays Out Middle Class Priorities Ahead Of Budget Markup
Sanders hits Business Roundtable & Committee For Responsible Deficit for targeting seniors
Pentagon must fix waste, fraud and abuse before seeking budget increase, Sanders says
6 Ridiculous Corporate Tax Giveaways that Obama Could Fix with the Stroke of a Pen
February 2015
New Detailed Chart From Sanders & Others Shows Lack of Transparency in TPP Back-Room Negotiations
Sanders on New CBO Director Appointment
Legalized Tax Fraud: How Top US Corporations Continue to Profit Through Offshore Tax Havens
Don't Use A Manufactured Crisis to Cut Social Security Disability
Sanders Says Rise In Inequality Jeopardizes Social Security
Sanders Issues New Report Documenting Republican Effort to Cut Social Security
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