Ranking Member Press

November 2021
Graham: Dems’ Reckless Tax and Spend Bill is a Fraud
Graham Statement on House Passage of Reckless Tax and Spend Bill
ICYMI: Bipartisanship Achieved! Dems Blast Dems’ Own Tax Proposals: “Bad Policy, Bad Politics”
In Case You Missed It: Dems Double Down on Tax Cuts for Millionaires as Inflation Surges
Graham on New Estimate on Budget Gimmicks and Shell Games in Democrats’ Socialist Spending Bill
Graham on Biden Economic Agenda: Tax Cuts for the Rich, Inflation for the Middle Class
Smith, Graham Call for CBO Score on True Cost of Democrat Tax & Spending Bill
Graham: “I Will Do Everything I Can To Stop” Dems’ Reckless Tax and Spend Bill
Graham on Democrats’ Sweetheart Union Deal Disguised as Electric Vehicle Tax Credit
In Case You Missed It: New Penn Wharton Model Estimates Democrat Spending Bill Price Tag More than Double
Graham: We Need to See True Cost for Democrats’ Reckless Taxing and Spending Bill
October 2021
Graham: “I don’t understand why we’re folding here.”
Statement from Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Graham
September 2021
Graham Statement on Parliamentarian’s Guidance on Democrats’ Plan to Grant Legal Status to Illegal Immigrants in $3.5 Trillion Tax and Spend Plan
August 2021
Graham Amendment to Democrats’ Reckless Tax and Spend Agenda Would Improve Broken Asylum System
Graham Hammers Democrats’ Reckless $4.2 Trillion Tax and Spend Spree Ahead of Vote-A-Rama
Notes on the Democrats’ Reckless Tax and Spend Spree: FY 2022 Budget Resolution
July 2021
Graham Statement on Senate Democrats’ $3.5 Trillion Tax and Spend Plan
June 2021
Graham on Biden Budget: "This tax and spend budget will break the back of our economy."
May 2021
Fast Facts on the Impacts of the Biden Budget
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