Ranking Member Press

February 2015
Keith Hall to Succeed Doug Elmendorf as Director of Congressional Budget Office
Chairman Enzi: America’s Booming Debt Threatens Our National and Economic Security
Chairman Enzi: Modernize Disability Insurance to avoid program insolvency
Budget chairmen, Portman, call for accounting of spending changes made each Congress
Chairman Enzi: Confront spending, make tough decisions
President Obama proposes the same failed policies
January 2015
Member Comments and Staff Analysis Of The Congressional Budget Office’s Budget And Economic Outlook, 2015–2025
New Budget chair says budget projections show need for urgent course correction
December 2014
Sessions Comments On Committee Plans For 2015
Sessions: Restoring Opportunity For American Workers Highest Priority For New GOP Congress
November 2014
Sessions Lays Out Financial Agenda For New GOP Majority In Address To Coolidge Foundation Budget Conference
October 2014
Sessions: 12 Million More Americans Outside Workforce Today Than In 2009
September 2014
GAO: Obama Admin Has No Legal Authority To Make Risk Corridor Payments Without Congressional Action
Sessions Opposes Continuing Resolution
Sessions Sounds Alarm Over HHS Policy Allowing Welfare Cash To Be Withdrawn In Marijuana Stores
Sessions: Under Obama, 13 Million More Adults But 7 Million Fewer Workers
August 2014
Sessions: 4 In 10 American Adults Not Working
July 2014
Sessions Details Case Against OMB Nominee Shaun Donovan
Sessions Asks Why Medicare Agency Can’t Prevent Fraud, Recover Known Improper Payments
June 2014
Sessions On GDP Revision: ‘A Tragic Collision With Reality’
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