Chairman's Press


Conrad Announces Appointment Of New Committee Counsel

Washington, DC - Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND) announced the appointment of Joseph Gaeta as the new General Counsel for the Senate Budget Committee. Gaeta replaces Lisa Konwinski, who left the Committee to join President Obama's White House staff as Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs. "I am very pleased that Joe Gaeta has joined my Budget Committee staff," said Chairman Conrad. "Joe's experience and knowledge will be a great asset to the Committee as we work to address the tremendous budget ch… Continue Reading


Senate Gives Final Approval to FY 2010 Budget

Washington, DC - The Senate today gave final approval to the fiscal year 2010 budget conference agreement. The five-year fiscal plan preserves the major priorities in President Obama's budget plan. It makes investments in energy, education and health care. It provides significant middleclass tax relief for those making under $250,000. And it cuts the deficit by two-thirds by 2014. The 53 - 43 Senate vote in support of the budget followed House passage earlier in the day. "Passage of this budget… Continue Reading


Senate Budget Committee Chairman Announces Staff Changes

Washington, DC - Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND) today announced the appointment of new staff members, along with the reassignment of duties for several existing committee employees. The changes were prompted, in part, by the departure since January of four staff members who have been hired for senior positions in the Obama administration, and a fifth staff member whose nomination is pending in the Senate. "I am pleased that the new staff members joining the committee have a… Continue Reading


Senators Conrad and Gregg Introduce New Bipartisan Legislation to Confront Nation's Budget Crisis

Washington, DC - Senators Kent Conrad (D-ND) and Judd Gregg (R-NH), chairman and ranking member, respectively, of the Senate Budget Committee, today introduced new legislation to create a bipartisan fiscal task force to address the nation's long-term budget crisis."Our nation's economic future is on the line," said Chairman Conrad. "We face a perfect storm of exploding debt, brought on by rising health costs, a retiring baby boom generation, and an outdated and inefficient revenue system. Now is… Continue Reading


Conrad Encouraged By Bipartisan Majority Vote In Support Of Conrad/Gregg Fiscal Task Force Legislation

Washington, DC - The bipartisan fiscal task force legislation proposed by Senators Kent Conrad, D-ND, and Judd Gregg, R-NH, today won the support of 53 Senators, 7 votes shy of the necessary 60 votes needed for adoption. "Today, the Senate spoke and a majority of Senators called for change," said Senator Conrad, Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee. "While the statutory fiscal task force proposal that I offered with Sen Gregg did not secure the necessary 60 votes for adoption, I am heartened… Continue Reading


Senate and House Reach Budget Agreement

Washington, DC - Senate and House negotiators have reached agreement on a budget resolution for fiscal year 2010 that preserves the major priorities in President Obama's budget plan. The resolution invests in energy, education, and health care - laying a new foundation for our nation's economy. It provides significant middle-class tax relief, directed at families with incomes under $250,000. And it begins to put the country back on a more fiscally responsible path by cutting the deficit in … Continue Reading


Senate Budget Committee Membership Established for 111th Congress

Washington, DC - During the 111th Congress, the Senate Budget Committee will consist of 13 Democratic Senators and 10 Republican Senators. For the second consecutive Congress, the panel will be chaired by Senator Kent Conrad of North Dakota. Senator Judd Gregg of New Hampshire will continue to serve as the Ranking Republican Member. Two newly elected Democratic Senators, Mark R. Warner of Virginia and Jeff Merkley of Oregon, will be joining the th panel. Republican Senator Lamar Alexander,… Continue Reading


Senate Gives Final Approval to FY 2009 Budget

Washington, DC - The Senate today gave final approval to the fiscal year 2009 budget conference report. The five-year fiscal plan balances the budget; makes needed investments in energy, education, and infrastructure; and cuts taxes on the middle class. Importantly, the plan assumes no tax increase. It was adopted by the Senate on a bipartisan vote of 48-45. With an affirmative House vote expected Thursday, this will mark the first time Congress has adopted a budget during an election year … Continue Reading


Conrad/Spratt Press Release on Budget Conference Agreement

Washington, DC - Senate and House negotiators have reached agreement on a budget plan for fiscal year 2009. The five-year budget conference agreement charts a new way forward for the country. It makes investments in energy, education, and infrastructure; provides tax relief for the middle class; and returns the budget to surplus in 2012 and 2013. If the plan is adopted, it will mark the first time Congress has passed a budget during an election year since 2000. "This is a significant achiev… Continue Reading


Senate Approves FY 2009 Budget Resolution

Washington, DC - The United States Senate voted 51 to 44 early this morning to pass a federal budget resolution, authored by Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND), that will spark the national economy, while putting America back on a solid fiscal course. "This budget takes immediate action to strengthen the economy, create jobs, and make America safer," Chairman Conrad said. "It responds to the current economic downturn by providing additional stimulus for the economy and tax … Continue Reading


Conrad Welcomes CBO Report on Geographic Variation

Washington, DC - The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) today released a report, requested by Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND), showing that regions of the country with higher health care spending often have similar or worse health care outcomes than low-spending regions. The study's findings will help Congress as it examines options for health care reform and methods of addressing the rising cost of health care. "The soaring cost of health care is the single biggest facto… Continue Reading


Conrad/Baucus Welcome CBO Report on Comparative Effectiveness Research

Washington, DC - The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) today released a report highlighting the potential for comparative effectiveness research to improve health care outcomes and control health care costs. The report, which was conducted at the request of Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND) and Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT), outlines options for and implications of designing a new private and/or public sector initiative on comparative effectiveness re… Continue Reading


Small Business Group Endorses Conrad/Gregg Bipartisan Fiscal Task Force Bill

Washington, DC - The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), a leading advocacy group for small businesses, today endorsed legislation proposed by Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND) and Ranking Member Judd Gregg (R-NH) to establish a bipartisan task force to address the nation's long-term fiscal imbalances. NFIB announced its endorsement of the Conrad/Gregg bill in a letter to the two Senators. "I am very pleased that NFIB and the small businesses it represents … Continue Reading


Hearing on Conrad/Gregg Bipartisan Fiscal Task Force Bill

Washington, DC - A distinguished panel of witnesses today called on Congress to create a bipartisan process to address the nation's long-term fiscal imbalances. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD), Government Accountability Office Comptroller General David Walker, Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget Co-Chairman Leon Panetta, AARP CEO Bill Novelli, and Concord Coalition Executive Director Bob Bixby testified in support of the concept at a Senate Budget Committee hearing. The hear… Continue Reading


Senators Conrad and Gregg Announce Bipartisan Fiscal Task Force Hearing

Washington, DC - Senators Kent Conrad (D-ND) and Judd Gregg (R-NH), chairman and ranking member, respectively, of the Senate Budget Committee, announced today that they will hold a hearing next week on their bill to create a bipartisan task force to address the nation's long-term fiscal imbalances. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD), Government Accountability Office Comptroller General David Walker, Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget Co-Chairman Leon Panetta, AARP CEO Bill Nov… Continue Reading


Senators Conrad and Gregg Announce Publication of Senate Budget Committee History

Washington, DC - Senators Kent Conrad (D-ND) and Judd Gregg (R-NH), chairman and ranking member, respectively, of the Senate Budget Committee, today announced the publication of the history of the Committee, from its establishment in 1974 until its 32nd anniversary in 2006. "As one of the younger committees in the Senate, we are in the unique position of being able to create a thorough review of our relatively brief three-decade history by collecting first-hand information from many of the… Continue Reading


Conrad Press Release on Cost of 'Korea-Like' Presence in Iraq

Washington, DC - The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) today released a report, requested by Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND), showing that the cost of maintaining a 'Korea-like' presence in Iraq over the next 50 years could exceed $2 trillion. The report found that even after a significant drawdown of U.S. forces, it could cost up to $25 billion each year - more than two-thirds of our nation's homeland security budget - to keep a military presence in Iraq similar to that… Continue Reading


Senators Conrad and Gregg: Bipartisan Task Force is Best Approach for Tackling Long-Term Fiscal Challenges

Washington, DC - Senators Kent Conrad (D-ND) and Judd Gregg (R-NH), chairman and ranking member, respectively, of the Senate Budget Committee, today joined forces to offer a blueprint for prompting swift, bipartisan action to substantially improve the nation's long-term fiscal imbalances. "Our nation faces a fiscal challenge of unprecedented proportions," said Chairman Conrad. "We cannot ignore the coming crisis and hope that future leaders will solve this problem. The longer we wait, the … Continue Reading


Senate-House Reach Budget Conference Agreement

Washington, DC - Senate and House negotiators have reached an agreement on a budget plan for fiscal year 2008. The five-year budget resolution funds critical national priorities while returning the budget to surplus by 2012. And it achieves this goal without raising taxes. "This budget provides a fiscally responsible plan for our country," said Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND). "It balances the budget by 2012. It provides for an extension of middle-class tax cuts. And it … Continue Reading


Conrad Applauds Introduction of Strong PAYGO Rule

Washington, DC - Incoming Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-NO) today applauded the introduction of a strong pay-as-you-go, or paygo, budget enforcement rule in the United States Senate. The paygo provision was included in the ne".' Democratic Majority's top ten legislative priorities, which were unveiled today by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV)."By including a strong paygo rule in our top ten legislative priorities, Democrats are demonstrating our commitment to restoring … Continue Reading

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