Chairman's Press
BUDGET BULLETIN: Regulatory Reform Outlook
WASHINGTON, DC - The Senate Budget Committee today released its November 17, 2016, Budget Bulletin focused on the outlook for Regulatory Reform. The Budget Bulletin provides regular expert articles by Senate Budget Committee analysts on the issues before Congress relating to the budget, deficits, debt, and the economy. Read the full Senate Budget Bulletin here. Excerpts follow: The rising cost to the economy of federal regulation is alarming. Private sector experts now estimate new federal ru… Continue Reading
BUDGET BULLETIN: FY 2017 Continuing Resolution
WASHINGTON, DC - The Senate Budget Committee today released its October 20, 2016, Budget Bulletin focused on the FY 2017 Continuing Resolution. The Budget Bulletin provides regular expert articles by Senate Budget Committee analysts on the issues before Congress relating to the budget, deficits, debt, and the economy. This Bulletin contains an in-depth look at the FY 2017 appropriations process to date. It details what was accomplished under regular order, how the Appropriations Committee gen… Continue Reading
New GAO Report Shows Feds Spend $1.5 Billion Annually on PR Activities
WASHINGTON D.C. - The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), the non-partisan government watchdog agency, today released a report, requested by Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi (R-WY), showing that the federal government spends $1.5 billion annually on public relations activities. The report details how federal agencies spend about $1 billion annually on public relations/advertising contracts and the approximately 5,000 federal public relations employees collectively receive n… Continue Reading
GAO Rules Obamacare Reinsurance Unlawfully Diverting Billions From Taxpayers
WASHINGTON, DC - A group of bicameral Republican health care leaders are pointing to a new legal opinion issued on Obamacare's controversial reinsurance program. The leaders urged the Comptroller General of the United States this spring to publish a legal opinion on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' (CMS) decision to ignore federal law, and a previous CMS regulation that required taxpayers and the Treasury be paid under the Obamacare reinsurance program. To date, CMS has ignored th… Continue Reading
Enzi Calls for Bipartisan Budget Process Reform
WASHINGTON D.C. - Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi's (R-WY) called for bipartisan solutions to fix America's broken budget process today during a forum focused on budget process reform. Earlier this year, Chairman Enzi proposed implementing new rules to make it easier for Congress to consider and pass its annual budget and appropriations measures, and update federal budget concepts that determine how the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) estim… Continue Reading
Enzi: CBO Must Continue to Provide Objective and Insightful Information to Congress
WASHINGTON D.C. - Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY), Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, today during an oversight hearing of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), said that it was crucial for CBO to provide objective and insightful information to Congress, while also increasing transparency of the agency's analysis and operations. "CBO recently released its latest round of projections this year," said Chairman Enzi. "What this report heralded should not be a surprise to anyone. CBO has continual… Continue Reading
Budget Chairmen: Dept. of Ed’s Rule Could Cost Taxpayers Billions
WASHINGTON D.C. - Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi (R-WY) and House Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price (R-GA) have asked the Department of Education for additional information concerning a new proposal by the department that could add as much as $41 billion to the cost of the federal student loan program over the next decade, according to an administration estimate. Read the full letter to the Department of Education here. Excerpts follow: "This is the latest in a series of admin… Continue Reading
Enzi: Time to Unstick Washington’s Budget Gridlock
WASHINGTON D.C. - Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY), Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, today highlighted bipartisan, common sense solutions to fix America's broken budget process that Enzi said will place the country on a better, more sustainable fiscal path. "America's budget process is broken, and it is preventing Congress from tackling the pressing fiscal challenges facing our country," said Chairman Enzi. "The current budget process is designed only to spend and fails hardworking taxpayers. … Continue Reading
Enzi: I want you to know what keeps me awake nights
VIDEO Washington, D.C. - As the nation continues to add to its $19 trillion debt, U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., says he can't get to sleep at night over fearful thoughts about his grandkids and the bleak future for them because of the federal government's overspending. "I hear them ask 'You were there; why didn't you fix it? Why didn't you give us the same chance you had?" Enzi said yesterday speaking on the Senate floor. The answers to fixing the country, according to Enzi, can't just come f… Continue Reading
Enzi Pushes for Regulatory Budget
WASHINGTON D.C. - Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi (R-WY) today joined Senators Mike Lee (R-UT) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) to push for legislation to establish a regulatory budget, which would calculate the costs of federal regulations on hardworking families and small businesses for the first time. "Overregulation breaks the spirit of innovation that has traditionally pushed our nation to greatness," said Chairman Enzi. "It is time to bring the true costs of federal regulations out of t… Continue Reading
Enzi Receives Fiscal Hero Award for Efforts to Fix Budget Process, Address National Debt
WASHINGTON D.C. - Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi (R-WY) this week was named a Fiscal Hero for his efforts to fix America's broken budget process, improve the nation's fiscal future and address the core drivers of the national debt. "Congress must tackle the pressing fiscal challenges facing our country, including the government's out of control spending and skyrocketing national debt," said Chairman Enzi. "But today, budgets are increasingly ignored, and our spending bills are mont… Continue Reading
Enzi Asks For Honest Accounting of Higher Ed Proposal
WASHINGTON D.C. - Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi (R-WY) today issued a letter asking the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Director to score S. 2677, the In the Red Act of 2016, which includes several costly higher education spending initiatives. Lacking accountability measures, it is unclear whether the bill would actually increase college access for students and families, or if it would trigger tuition increases that could affect the spiraling college costs for the 40 million Amer… Continue Reading
New CBO Analysis Shows Increased Spending and Deficits for FY 2016
WASHINGTON D.C. - At the request of Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi (R-WY), the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released an analysis that tracks the budgetary impact of enacted legislation against amounts the Senate agreed to in the budget resolution for fiscal year 2016 and the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015. The CBO analysis shows the breach of aggregate spending levels in FY 2016 is attributable to increased spending not accompanied by action on any of the deficit reduction assume… Continue Reading
BUDGET BULLETIN: Overview of Senate Budget Process Reform Proposals
WASHINGTON, DC - The Senate Budget Committee today released its May 12, 2016, Budget Bulletin focused on various budget process reform proposals introduced in the Senate. The Budget Bulletin provides regular expert articles by Senate Budget Committee analysts on the issues before Congress relating to the budget, deficits, debt, and the economy. Read the full Senate Budget Bulletin here. Excerpts follow: Over the course of the 114th Congress, a number of senators have offered their own new ide… Continue Reading
Enzi: Put America on a Better Path
WASHINGTON D.C. - During the Senate Budget Committee's fourth hearing on the broken budget process, Chairman Mike Enzi (R-WY) today said that fixing the budget will help put the nation on a better path by providing more predictability, transparency, and accountability to spending by the federal government. "Both parties agree that our budget process is broken, and now is the time to fix it," said Chairman Enzi. "Instead of the current budget, which is designed to fail both Congress and the pu… Continue Reading
Budget Committee to Hold April 27 Hearing on Fixing the Budget Process: Better Budgets, Better Results
WASHINGTON D.C. - Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY), Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, will hold the fourth in a series of hearings Wednesday, April 27, 2016 at 10:30am on how to fix America's broken budget process. The hearing will focus on how better budgets will produce better results. Testifying will be Barry Anderson, Former Acting Director of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), James Capretta, Ethics and Public Policy Center Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute, and Stan Collende… Continue Reading
Enzi: Fixing Broken Budget Process Can Help Address Runaway Spending and Debt
WASHINGTON D.C. - During a hearing today focused on fixing the broken budget process and restoring stability to government operations, Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi (R-WY) said that improving the broken budget process could help America succeed in addressing runaway spending and our explosive national debt. "America's current budget process is designed to fail. It is time to focus on creating a transparent, accountable, and predictable process that actually fits the problem," said … Continue Reading
Enzi Files Topline Numbers to Establish FY 17 Senate Budget Framework
WASHINGTON D.C. - Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY), Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, today filed the topline spending numbers agreed to in the Bipartisan Budget Act (BBA) of 2015 last fall, which allows the Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee to enforce the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 and points of order. This language also allows the Senate Appropriations Committee to begin its work on annual spending bills immediately. "Congressional passage of the spending deal last year made top-li… Continue Reading
Enzi: It’s Time For a Better Budget Process
WASHINGTON D.C. - During the Senate Budget Committee's second in a series of hearings focused on America's broken budget process, Chairman Mike Enzi (R-WY) today said congressional budgets are no longer governing documents and are increasingly ignored, leaving the country without a long-term plan. He said it's time for a better budget process that allocates taxpayer resources effectively and efficiently. "It's long past time for a serious, constructive conversation about how we fix our broken … Continue Reading
GAO Report on Duplication Highlights Effect of Broken Budget Process
WASHINGTON D.C. - Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY), Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, released the following statement today after the Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued a new report highlighting program duplication that has arisen because of America's broken budget process. "The duplication highlighted in GAO's new report is because of America's broken budget process, and contributes to the nation's spiraling levels of overspending," said Chairman Enzi. "A better budget process wil… Continue Reading