Ranking Member Press

June 2024
CBO: National Debt to Reach Record Share of GDP in Just Three Years
Grassley Opening Remarks on Tax Loopholes
Grassley Underscores Need to Tackle $34.5 Trillion Debt, Exploding Interest Rates
May 2024
Grassley: ‘We Iowans prefer to confront problems head on’
Grassley Delivers Opening Statement on National Security Risks Posed by Ballooning Debt
Grassley Opening Statement on Reducing Administrative Burdens, Improving Patient Access and Lowering Taxpayer Costs in Health Care
Wall Street Journal Sides with Iowans: The Budget Committee Ought to Focus on the Budget
Grassley Opening Statement at Budget Hearing on Big Oil
April 2024
What They Are Saying: Washington Wakes Up to Senate Budget Republicans’ Case for Fiscal Focus
Grassley Provides Insight on Efforts to Snuff Out Tax Evasion
Grassley Leads GOP Call For Budget Committee To Address Fiscal Policy
Penn Wharton Hearing Witness: Dem Tax Proposals Won’t Solve Our Fiscal Challenges
March 2024
Grassley: Budget Democrats Use Climate Change Smoke and Mirrors to Ignore Our Immediate Responsibilities
Grassley: Biden Admin’s EV Push Could Drive up the Deficit by $200 Billion
Grassley: Biden’s Budget Offers False Promises and a Far-Left Wish List
Grassley Redlines President Biden’s Budget Proposal
Grassley Discusses Efforts To Make Primary Care More Accessible And Effective
February 2024
'Life is Priceless:' Ranking Member Grassley Delivers Pro-Life, Pro-Family Message at Budget Committee Hearing
Grassley Report Exposes Unchecked Waste of Taxpayer Funds in EPA Environmental Justice Program
Grassley on CBO 10-Year Budget and Economic Outlook
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