Ranking Member Press

April 2014
Sessions Delivers Opening Statement At Hearing On Economic Challenges Facing Working Americans
March 2014
Sessions Delivers Opening Remarks At Hearing Examining President’s Budget With Secretary Lew
Sessions: Sebelius Has Never Testified Before Budget Committee Despite Health Spending Comprising Nearly 1/3 Of Fed. Budget
Sessions: Households Have Lost $278B In Income Over The Last Five Years
Sessions Delivers Opening Remarks At Hearing With President's Budget Director
Sessions: President’s Budget ‘An Open Declaration That Reality Doesn’t Matter’
February 2014
Sessions Reacts To Senate Dem Decision To Skip Budget Once Again
Sessions Urges ‘National Effort To Reduce The Welfare Rolls And Grow The Employment Rolls’
Ranking Member Sessions Opposes Debt Limit Increase
Sessions Delivers Statement At Hearing To Examine CBO’s Obamacare Report And Budget Outlook
Sessions: Time To Begin National Conversation About Moving People Off Welfare And Into The Workforce
Senate Budget Committee Analysis Of CBO Baseline Outlook
Sessions Delivers Opening Statement At First Budget Hearing Of The Year
Ranking Member Sessions Comments On New CBO Baseline Projections
January 2014
Ranking Member Sessions Comments On State Of The Union Address
Sessions: We Owe Vets ‘Swift, Diligent Action’ To Fix Pension Cuts
Sessions: SOTU Message Undermined By President’s Wage-Depressing Policies
Sessions Details Reid’s Subversion Of Senate’s Historic Role
Sessions: More Work Needed To Fix Pensions For Veterans
Sessions Delivers Address On Poverty And Unemployment In America
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