Ranking Member Press
Press Release on Orszag CBO Recommendation
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 12, 2006Contact: Stu Nagurka (202) 224-7436 Steve Posner (202) 224-7925CONRAD TO RECOMMEND ORSZAG AS NEW CBO DIRECTOR Brookings Economist Receives Bipartisan PraiseIncoming Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND) will recommend the appointment of Peter R. Orszag as the new director of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).“I am enthusiastically recommending Dr. Orszag to be the next CBO Director,” Conrad said. “He is exceptional. Not only is he an … Continue Reading
Press Release on Republican Budget Proposal
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 9, 2006Contact: Stu Nagurka (202) 224-7436 Steve Posner (202) 224-7925GOP Budget Adds More Than $3 Trillion of Debt Democrats Reject Plan That Makes Fiscal Outlook Worse, Not BetterWashington, DC - An analysis of the Senate Republican budget plan unveiled Wednesday shows it leaves out expenses, and would add more than $3 trillion of debt over the next five years, announced Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Kent Conrad, D-ND.“After years of record deficits an… Continue Reading
Press Release on Budget Committee Asbestos White Paper
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 8, 2006 Contact: Stu Nagurka (202) 224-7436 Steve Posner (202) 224-7925 CONRAD RELEASES WHITE PAPER ON ASBESTOS BILL Analysis Finds Significant Risk That Trust Fund Will Require Taxpayer Bailout Washington, D.C. - The asbestos-related legislation before the Senate is “seriously flawed,” Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Kent Conrad (D-ND) said today, because the bill’s financial lynchpin - a fund to pay compensation to asbestos-sickened people - would be … Continue Reading
Conrad Press Release on Point of Order Against Spending Reconciliation Bill
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 21, 2005Contact: Stu Nagurka (202) 224-7436 Steve Posner (202) 224-7925CONRAD STRIKES PROVISIONS FROM RECONCILIATION BILL Measure Harming Children, Elderly, and Poor Is Removed Budget Bill Sent Back to HouseWashington, DC - Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Kent Conrad (D-ND) today successfully struck several provisions, including a measure harming children, the elderly, and the poor, from the GOP spending reconciliation bill. The action will send the am… Continue Reading
Conrad Announces Four Staff Appointments
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 24, 2003Contact: Stu Nagurka (202) 224-7436 Steve Posner (202) 224-7925Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Kent Conrad Announces Four Staff AppointmentsSenator Kent Conrad, D-ND, ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee, today announced the appointment of four new Democratic staff members to the budget panel. Conrad has named Jim Klumpner as chief economist, Jamie Morin as senior defense analyst, Cliff Isenberg as the budget analyst for environmental… Continue Reading
Conrad Votes For Fiscal Responsibility
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 15, 2003Contact: Stu Nagurka (202) 224-7436 Steve Posner (202) 224-7925CONRAD VOTES FOR FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY Deficit Hawk Rejects Costly and Poorly Designed Tax CutsWashington, DC - Senator Kent Conrad Thursday voted against an expensive tax cut that will drive the country further into debt, without providing the needed boost to help the economy now. The North Dakota lawmaker argued for more tax relief sooner to help the sluggish economy, but a less expensive pac… Continue Reading
Conrad Statement on CBO Director Nomination
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 9, 2003Contact: Stu Nagurka (202) 224-7436 Steve Posner (202) 224-7925STATEMENT BY SENATE BUDGET COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN KENT CONRAD (D-ND) ON THE POSSIBLE NOMINATION OF HOLTZ-EAKIN AS CBO DIRECTORAlthough Dr. Holtz-Eakin has strong academic credentials and is a well-respected economist, the fact that he would be coming to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) directly from a senior position in the White House would raise serious questions about the independence a… Continue Reading
Conrad Statement on Snow/Friedman Announcements
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 9, 2002Contact: Stu Nagurka (202) 224-7436 Steve Posner (202) 224-7925STATEMENT BY SENATE BUDGET COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN KENT CONRAD ON THE NOMINATION OF JOHN SNOW TO TREASURY AND EXPECTED APPOINTMENT OF STEPHEN FRIEDMAN TO NECJohn Snow and Stephen Friedman are being handed a mess. In the two years since the Bush administration took office, the economy has suffered a recession, two million jobs have been lost, and a projected $5.6 trillion budget surplus has been… Continue Reading
Conrad Statement on O'Neill/Lindsey Resignations
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 6, 2002Contact: Stu Nagurka (202) 224-7436 Steve Posner (202) 224-7925STATEMENT BY SENATE BUDGET COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN KENT CONRAD (D-ND) ON THE RESIGNATION OF THE BUSH ECONOMIC TEAMThis confirms that the Bush economic plan is not working. As the news this morning of increased joblessness and earlier reports of exploding deficit and debt reveal, the President’s economic policy is a disaster.The Bush economic policy is failing and is digging a very deep hole for … Continue Reading
Conrad Statement on 2002 Deficit Announcement
Statement by Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND) on the Bush Administration’s Announcement of $159 Billion Deficit for 2002 October 25, 2002The Bush administration has now officially announced that the deficit for 2002 will be $159 billion. This is a sad reminder of how far our nation’s finances have fallen since the Bush administration took office.The sudden return to red ink follows a period of unparalleled fiscal strength and vitality, where we enjoyed four straight years… Continue Reading
Senate Renews Key Budget Enforcement Mechanisms
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 16, 2002Contact: Stu Nagurka (202) 224-7436 Steve Posner (202) 224-7925SENATE RENEWS KEY BUDGET ENFORCEMENT MECHANISMSWashington, DC - The Senate today, by unanimous consent, renewed key budget enforcement mechanisms that expired on September 30. The enforcement mechanisms help to maintain fiscal discipline by making it much more difficult to pass additional tax cuts or spending that are not fully paid for.“This is a victory for fiscal discipline,” said Senate… Continue Reading
Budget Committee Releases New Deficit Estimates
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 22, 2002Contact: Steve Posner (202) 224-7925SENATE BUDGET COMMITTEE RELEASES NEW ESTIMATES SHOWING FEDERAL BUDGET DEFICITS WILL BE FAR WORSE THAN ‘ROSY’ PROJECTIONS OF BUSH ADMINISTRATIONWashington, DC - The Senate Budget Committee today released new estimates showing that the level of federal budget deficits over the next ten years will be far worse than projected by the Bush administration last month. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is expected to relea… Continue Reading
Statement on Bush Administration Announcement on Debt Ceiling
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 1, 2002Contact: Stu Nagurka (202) 224-7436 Steve Posner (202) 224-7925STATEMENT BY SENATE BUDGET COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN KENT CONRAD (D-ND) ON BUSH ADMINISTRATION ANNOUNCEMENT ON DEBT CEILINGToday we received the sobering news from the Treasury Department that we will again reach the debt limit much sooner than anticipated. This comes on the heels of Treasury’s announcement that we will have to borrow more than expected to pay the government’s bills and to pay for the… Continue Reading
Statement on House Vote to Make Tax Cut Permanent
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 18, 2002Contact: Stu Nagurka (202) 224-7436 Steve Posner (202) 224-7925Statement by Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad, D-ND, on House Republican Vote to Make Bush Tax Cut PermanentIt is hard to imagine a more fiscally irresponsible move than to permanently extend all of the Bush tax cut without paying for it. This Republican effort, which would overwhelmingly benefit the wealthiest, would cost an additional $400 billion this decade - every penny of it … Continue Reading
Overview of Senate Democratic Budget Resolution
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 20, 2002Contact: Stu Nagurka (202) 224-7436 Steve Posner (202) 224-7925Democrats’ Budget Plan Would Strengthen America and Safeguard Our Future Summary The Senate Democratic budget resolution for fiscal year 2003 faces up to the challenges of strengthening America and safeguarding our future. • Strengthening homeland security. The plan provides all of the resources requested by the President for homeland security. • Building our national defense. The plan ens… Continue Reading
Committee Again Rejects Suspension of Budget Enforcement Mechanisms
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 13, 2002Contact: Stu Nagurka (202) 224-7436 Steve Posner (202) 224-7925SENATE BUDGET COMMITTEE AGAIN REJECTS SUSPENSION OF BUDGET ENFORCEMENT MECHANISMS Conrad Calls on Senate to Defeat Measure When it Comes to FloorWashington, DC - The Senate Budget Committee today, by a 22 to 0 vote, has again rejected the suspension of budget enforcement mechanisms. As it did last November, the Budget Committee has sent a joint resolution to the Senate floor calling for th… Continue Reading
Statement by Daschle, Conrad, and Levin on CBO Report on Missile Defense
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday, January 31, 2002Contact: Ranit Schmelzer (Daschle) (202) 224-2939 Stu Nagurka (Conrad) 224-7436 Tara Andringa (Levin) (202) 224-6221STATEMENT BY SENATORS DASCHLE, CONRAD, AND LEVIN ON THE NEW CBO REPORT SHOWING THAT NATIONAL MISSILE DEFENSE COULD COST OVER $150 BILLIONFollowing is a statement from Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad, and Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin regarding the CBO's new cost estimat… Continue Reading
Budget Committee Chairman Seeks Return to Fiscal Discipline
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 29, 2002Contact: Stu Nagurka (202) 224-7436 Steve Posner (202) 224-7925SENATE BUDGET COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN SEEKS RETURN TO FISCAL DISCIPLINE Conrad: Long-Term Budget Outlook Worsened by Bush Tax CutWashington, DC - Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad, D-ND, today said the sharp drop in the projected surplus - caused largely by the Bush tax cut - poses a serious threat to the nation’s long-term budget outlook and its ability to meet the retirement and hea… Continue Reading
Conrad Welcomes Fed Chairman's Call for Trigger Mechanism
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 24, 2002Contact: Stu Nagurka (202) 224-7436 Steve Posner (202) 224-0642SENATE BUDGET COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN WELCOMES FED CHAIRMAN’S CALL FOR TRIGGER MECHANISM Conrad: Trigger Could Help Restore Long-Term Fiscal DisciplineWashington, DC - Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad today welcomed Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan’s suggestion that Congress should implement some sort of trigger mechanism to limit tax and spending initiatives in light of deple… Continue Reading
Bush Sends Nation Back Into Deficits
EMBARGOED UNTIL 10:00 AM January 23, 2002Contact: Stu Nagurka (202) 224-7436 Steve Posner (202) 224-7925BUSH SENDS NATION BACK INTO DEFICITS CBO Projects $4.0 Trillion Drop in Surplus and Deficits for Next Two YearsWashington, DC - The Congressional Budget Office today released new projections showing a $4.0 trillion drop in the surplus and confirming that the nation will face deficits for the next two years. The new budget figures, released by CBO Director Dan Crippen in testimony before … Continue Reading