Ranking Member Press

July 2011
Sessions Announces Opposition To Libya Resolution, Urging Dems To “At Once” Begin Budget Work
Sessions And Ryan: Obama Administration Ignores Looming Medicare Bankruptcy
Sessions Renews Call: Senate Shouldn’t Recess, Should Stay To Work On Debt Ceiling, Budget
Top Budget And Finance Republicans Tell President To Present Debt Plan Details For Committee Review
As Senate Schedule Raises Alarm, Sessions Announces Proposal Requiring Sufficient Time To Review Any Debt Limit Bill
June 2011
Sessions Responds To Debt Talk Rift, Warns Against 11th Hour Deal
Sessions On CBO Outlook: Threat Of ‘Greece-Like Calamity,’ But No Budget Or Hearing From Senate Democrats
Sessions & Ryan Demand President Uphold Obligation To Law And To Seniors
Sessions On President’s Budget: ‘Unserious Response To Serious Situation’
Senate Fails Crucial Test, Sessions Says, After Democrats Block Spending Cuts
Devil In The Details: Sessions Criticizes Mystery Funding In Obama Transportation Plan
Spending Doesn’t Equal Investment, Sessions Tells Obama’s Energy Secretary
Sessions On CR: Reductions In Spending Must Be Sustained
Sessions Questions WH Rhetoric After Report Detailing Government Waste
Sessions To Obama Education Sec.: Can’t Win Future For Our Children With Borrowed Money
The Spending Binge Continues: GAO Exposes Billions In Waste, Duplication
On Two-Year Anniversary, Sessions Comments On Failed Stimulus
Sessions to Geithner: Grow the Economy, Not the Government
Obama's FY2012 Budget: A Failure of Leadership
HBC & SBC Republican Summary of President's FY2012 Budget
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